Tenders Details

Request for proposal (RFP) for Selection of Service Provider for establishment of Wi-Fi Infrastructure using Bharatnet network of GFGNL at urban locations across the State of Gujarat.RFP NO.: GISL\DST\Urban Wi-Fi\2025-26 dated 04.03.2025 (The last date of bid submission Extended to 11.04.2025 up to 1500 hrs)
Bid Details

Pre-Bid Meeting Date

18/03/2025 15:00:00

Bid End Date/Time

11/04/2025 15:00:00

Bid Opening Date/Time

26/03/2025 15:30:00

Gujarat ISP Services Ltd.
Block No 2, 2nd Floor, Karmayogi Bhavan, Sector-10A, Gandhinagar-382010

Phone No: 079 – 23256022, Fax No: 079 – 23238925

https://gil.gujarat.gov.in & https://gisl.gujarat.gov.in


 Pre-bid meeting:   18.03.2025 on 1500 hours


Last Date of Submission of Bid: 26.03.2025 till 1500 hours


Last Date of Submission of Bid Processing Fees & EMD: 26.03.2025 till 1500 hours

Date of Opening of Technical Bid: 26.03.2025 at 1530 hrs



  1. Bidders who wish to participate in this bid will have to register on https://tender.nprocure.com. Further bidders who wish to participate in online bids will have to procure Digital Certificate as per Information Technology Act 2000 using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from (n) code solutions – a division of GNFC Ltd., or any other agency licensed by Controller of Certifying  Authority, Govt. of India. Bidders who already have a valid Digital Certificate need not procure a new Digital Certificate.
  2. In case the bidders need any support related to electronic bidding on https://tender.nprocure.com, they may contact the following office:
  3. Support Contact
  4. In case bidders need any clarifications or if training required to participate in online tenders, they can contact (n)Procure Support team:-

(n)Code Solutions - Division of GNFC Ltd.,
(n)Procure Cell
304, GNFC Infotower, S.G. Road
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 380054 (Gujarat)

Toll Free : 7359 021 663
Email : nprocure@ncode.in



For more details about Eligibility Criteria, Scope of Work and Financial Bid Format, kindly go through the Bid Document and / or any other document uploaded in future.


Block No. 2, 2nd Floor, C & D Wing, Karmayogi Bhavan Sector - 10 A, Gandhinagar - 382010 Gujarat.
E-mail: info@gujaratinformatics.com   Phone: 91-79-23256022   Fax: 91-79-23238925