RTI Proactive Disclosure

(1) Objective

Gujarat Informatics Ltd. (GIL) was established as the nodal agency for IT development in the state in February 1999, by the Government of Gujarat.  The company was started with a clear objective to promote IT and accelerate the process of E- Governance in the state. Along with the announcement of the IT policy, the Government has enabled GIL to effectively implement IT projects in the state. 

The State Government has set up Gujarat Informatics Ltd. with the following main objectives:

  1. To help various players in IT field and in implementing IT Policy.
  2. To select consultants/specialists for providing services to various Government departments/agencies under broad frame work contracts.
  3. To provide input for formulation and review of State Information Technology Policy.
  4. To formulate and implement action plan which would carry out the objectives of State IT Policy.
  5. To promote investment in IT sector.
  6. To provide technical assistance to Govt. organization in IT field.
  7. To be the nodal agency for IT training in Govt.
  8. To help frame guidelines regarding opening of new Govt. affiliated institutes in IT field.
  9. To establish framework contracts with reputed suppliers/consultants/experts to provide a range of IT consultancy and specialists services to the Govt./Govt. agencies.
  10. To put in place policy framework for State information infrastructure and to help create the same.
  11. To promote electronic commerce.
  12. To help promote IT centre in State of Gujarat.


To help improve e-Governance process in the Government by using computing devices, communication systems associated electronics and software to provide better delivery systems to the citizens.

It is very clearly understood that IT is not an end in itself but means to provide better quality of life to the citizens of the State. It does not aim at merely automating existing process but the target is to use IT to improve overall organizational efficiency and pass the benefits to the citizens of the State in terms of services delivered with trasparency, speed and at the doorstep of the citizens.

Starting Hours of the Office:                        10.30 hrs

Closing Hours of the Office:                        18.10 hrs

Recess Hours:                                              14.00 hrs to 14.30 hrs

Except Designated holidays published by the State Government

1 Chairman Powers Duties Full Powers Subject to Direction of the Board and Overall in charge of the Company
2 Managing Director Powers Duties Full Powers for day to day management of the company
3 Deputy General Manager (App.) Powers Duties Matter relating to e-Governance Projects, Total Solution Providers, Special Projects, Software Products and Center of Excellence subject to Directions of the MD and the Board
4 (I/C) General Manager (Services) Powers Duties All issues related to Administration Functions & Promotional Activities.
5 Deputy Director (Account) Powers Duties Matters relating to Finance/ Accounts/ Audit and Taxation related Functions.
6 Deputy General Manager (Tech.) Powers Duties Matter related to IT procurement and networking related all work
7 Company Secretary Powers Duties Full Powers Subject to Direction of the Board and Overall in charge of the Company

The files are initiated by Executive and/or Assistant Managers to the respective mangers to department heads to GM Services and then to the Managing Director.


All files relating to financial matters are routed through Deputy Director (Account) before submission to the Managing Director.

Instructions, Office Orders issued by the management from time to time and the relevant Govt . Resolutions issued by various Govt. Depts. like Science & Technology Dept , Finance Dept. , General Administration Dept. etc. are followed for Discharge of Functions by the officers and the employees.

Gujarat Informatics Ltd. does not have any direct contact with the public for the present. There is no arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof: Implementation & Formulation of Policy However suggestions are always welcome for overall improvement of the company.

The State Government has appointed the members of the board of directors of the company under whose direction, control and supervision the company functions. The present members of Board of Directors are as under.

Board of Directors
Chairman Ms. Mona Khandhar, IAS, Principal Secretary DST
Managing Director Shri Tushar Y. Bhatt, IAS
Directors Shri G. T. Pandya, IAS
Directors Shri Anand B Patel IAS, Additional Secretary (Budget)
Independent Directors Dr. K.S Dasgupta
Independent Directors Dr. Rajesh.N Patel

Block 2, 2nd floor, C & D Wing, Karmayogi Bhavan
Sector-10A, Gandhinagar- 382 010
Phone : 079-3256022

Fax : 079-23238925

Website: https://gil.gujarat.gov.in

Name of Officers/ Employees  Designation Tel. No. Email ID
Shri Tushar Y. Bhatt, IAS Managing Director 079-232-59222 mdgil[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Dhaval Raval PS To MD 079-232-59222 ps2mdgil[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Vijay Prajapati Deputy Director (Accounts) 079-232-59224 dy-dir-ac[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Prakash Dholakia I/C-DGM-Tech H&N 079-232-52026 prakashd[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri.Vivek Upadhyay DGM 079-232-59239 viveku[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Dr. Vrutik Shah DGM (APP) 079-232-55950 dgmapp-gil[dot]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri. Vijay Jain AGM (HR/Admin) 079-232-56026 agm-hr[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Dharmistha Darji Company Secretary(I/C) 079-232-59238 ic-cs[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Ms. Mittal J. Parmar Legal Advisor 079-232-58079 legal-gil[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Jitendra Chauhan I/C AGM GSWAN 079-232-58155 srmgr1-gswan[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Mr. Ankit Suthar Manager E-Governance 079-232-52324 manager-egov[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Mr. Jayendra Patel Manager E-Governance 079-232-52325 Manager-egov1[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Ketul P Pattani Manager Hardware & Networking 079-23258161 mgrhninfra1-gil[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Kiran S Patel Manager H&N (IT Contracts) 079-232-56033 mgrhn-itcon[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Ms. Hetal Mehta Manager (HR& ADMIN) 079-232-58619 manager-hr[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Taansukh Dhaakan Manager Accounts 079-232-58620 manager-accounts[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Mehul Parmar Manager Accounts 079-232-56219 Manager-acct-gnr[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Devang Thakkar Project Manager - devangt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Tejas Gandhi Project Manager - tejasg[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Shubhangi Shah Project Manager - pm-gsem[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Amit Patodia Assistant Manager 079-232-59225 amitp[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Vipul Patel Assistant Manager 079-232-59227 vipulp[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Archiskumar Gupta Assistant Manager Admin (GIFT City)   ea-snt[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Amit Barot Assistant Manager 079-232-59232 amitb[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Upma Bhavsar Assistant Manager 079-232-59223 upmab[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Nikunj Prajapati Assistant Manager 079-232-59231 nikunjp[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Dilip Khant Assistant Manager - dilipk[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Krunal Suthar Assistant Manager 079-232-58202 krunals[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Kajal Panchal Assistant Manager 079-232-59226 kajalp[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Yatin Brahmbhatt Assistant Manager 079-232-50040 yatinb[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Manishkumar Darji Assistant Manager - manishd[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Hiren Patel Assistant Manager 079-232-59227 hirenp[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Ajay Prajapati Assistant Manager 079-232-59235 ajayp[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Rohin kothari Assistant Manager - rohink[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Jasvant Makwana Assistant Manager 079-232-59231 jasvantm[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Chauhan Jignesh Assistant Manager - jigneshc[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Mehul Panchal Assistant Manager - exe3-gsem[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Shalini Negi Assistant Manager HR/Admin 079-232-59230 Asstmanager-hr[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Pooja Nimavat Assistant Manager HR/Admin 079-232-52011 Asstmanager-hr1[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Krupali Kharadi Assistant Manager Accounts/Finance 079-232-59228 Am-accounts[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Boskey Shah Assistant Manager (F&A) 079-232-59233 am-accounts1[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Nihar Chaudhari Executive - exe-gil[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Ankit Shah Executive - exe2-egov-gil[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Vikesh Patel Executive - exe1-egov-gil[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Jignasha Patel Executive - jignashap[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Hardik Patel Executive - hardikp[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Dhaval Soni Executive - dhavals[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Sanket Prajapati Executive 079-232-56013 sanketp[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Shoaib Memon Executive - exe1-gsem[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Mansur Ali Executive - exe2-gsem[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Nirmal Vaghela Executive - nirmalv[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Rajesh Nakarani Executive Admin (GIFT City) 079-232-51202 exe-gil-gnr[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Pranav Patel Executive - sm-gvc[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Paras Majethiya Executive - sm-legal[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Shabbir Malvi Executive - sm-sje[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Jatin Patel Executive - jatinp[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Mahmadfaruk Bhabhor Executive - mohmadfarukb[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Jigar Vyas Executive(Support Engineer) - sm-hd[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Vaishali Daudia Executive - executive1[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Jignesh Gandharv Executive - jigneshg[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Hardik Dave Executive 079-232-50038 hardik[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Rajuji Thakor Executive 079-232-51012 sm-gls[at]gujarat[dot]gov.in
Marmik Gamit Executive   sm-agri[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Karan Bhavsar Executive   sm-nwrws[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
 Hardik R Patel Executive    hardikp[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Dr. kajal Suthar Executive 079-232-58616 Executive-promotion[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Ms. Shailee Buch Executive HR 079-232-56023 executive-hr[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Riddhi Gorfad  Executive HR 079-232-56889 executive-hr1[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
Hina Rao Receptionist / Comp. Operator 079-232-56022 hinar[at]gujarat[dot]gov[dot]in
  Mehamud R Jam Driver    
 Mahendra Patel Driver    
Name Officers Designation Pay Scale System of Compensation
Shri Tushar Y. Bhatt, IAS Managing Director 123100 - 215900 Through Bank
Shri Vijay Prajapati Deputy Director (Accounts) & GM Services 67700 - 208700 Through Bank
Vivek Upadhyay DGM & I/C Head GSIP  78800-209200 Through Bank
Vrutik Shah DGM (APP) 78800-209200 Through Bank
Shri Prakash Dholakia I/C DGM (Tech) 67700 - 208700 Through Bank
Vijay Jain AGM (HR/Admin) 67700 - 208700 Through Bank
Jitendra Chauhan I/C AGM GSWAN 53100-167800  Through Bank
Mittal Parmar Legal Advisor 56100-177500 Through Bank
Dharmishtha Darji Company Secretary(I/C) - -
Ankit Suthar Manager e-Gov 56100-177500 Through Bank
Jayendra Patel Manager e-Gov 56100-177500 Through Bank
Ms.Hetal Mehta Manager(HR& ADMIN) 56100-177500 Through Bank
Taansukh Dhaakan Manager Accounts 56100-177500 Through Bank
Mehul Parmar Manager Accounts 56100-177500 Through Bank
Kiran Patel Manager H&N 56100-177500 Through Bank
Ketul Pattani Manager H&N 56100-177500 Through Bank
Amit Patodia Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Vipul Patel Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Archis Gupta Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Amit Barot Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Upma Bhavsar Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Nikunj Prajapati Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Dilip Khant Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Krunal Suthar Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Kajal Panchal Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Yatin Bhahmbhatt Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Manish Darji Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Hiren Patel Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Ajay Prajapati Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Rohin Kothari Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Jasvant Makwana Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Jignesh Chauhan Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Mehul Panchal Assistant Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
Shalini Negi Assistant Manager HR/Admin 44900-142400 Through Bank
Krupali Kharadi Assistant Manager Acc/Fin 44900-142400 Through Bank
Pooja Nimavat Assistant Manager HR/Admin 44900-142400 Through Bank
Boskey Shah Assistant Manager Acc/Fin 44900-142400 Through Bank
Hardik Dave Executive 29200-92300 Through Bank
Rajuji Thakor Executive 29200-92300 Through Bank
Marmik Gamit Executive 29200-92300 Through Bank
Sanket Prajapati Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
Jatin D Patel Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
Shabbir Malvi Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
Paras M Majithia Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
Jignesh G Gandharv Executive  29200-92300  Through Bank
Vaishali A Daudia Executive  29200-92300  Through Bank
Mahmadfaruk Bhabhor Executive  44900-142400 Through Bank
Ankit Shah Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
Karan Bhavsar Executive 29200-92300 Through Bank
Vishal Rana Executive  44900-142400 Through Bank
Jignasha S Patel Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
Mansurali Batti Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
 Vikesh Patel Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
 Shoaib Memon Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
 Pranav B Patel Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
Ms.Shubhangi Shah Project Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
 Devang Thakkar  Project Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
 Tejas J Gandhi Project Manager 44900-142400 Through Bank
 Hardik R Patel Executive  44900-142400 Through Bank
 Jigar Vyas Supporting Engineer 44900-142400 Through Bank
 Nihar Chaudhari Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
 Nirmalsinh Vaghela Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
 Dhaval Soni Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
 Rajesh Nakarani Executive 44900-142400 Through Bank
Dr. kajal Suthar Executive 29200-92300 Through Bank
Ms. Shailee Buch Executive HR 29200-92300 Through Bank
Riddhi Gorfad  Executive HR 29200-92300 Through Bank
Dhaval Raval PS to MD  35400-112400  Through Bank
Ms.Heena Rao Recept.& CO 21700-69100 Through Bank
  Mehamud R Jam Driver 18000-56900 Through Bank
 Mahendra Patel Driver 18000-56900 Through Bank

Gujarat Informatics Ltd does not have any specific scheme for concession or permits etc.

The information about Gujarat Informatics Ltd. can be accessed through the following websites:-
Company Name Website
Gujarat Informatics Ltd.


  • Notice Board
  • Company’s Website: https://gil.gujarat.gov.in
  • Advertisement in Newspapers
  • E-mail.
  • Exhibition & Seminars
  • IT Events organized by the companies
  • Inspection of Records

Public Information Officer and Appellate Authority:

Sr. No.
Appellant Authority
Shri Jayendra Patel- Manager e-Governance
Shri Vrutik Shah- DGM (App)
Hardware & Network
Shri Jitendra Chauhan- Sr. Manager GSWAN
Shri Prakash Dholakia- DGM (Tech) (I/C)
Ms. Hetal Mehta- Manager HR/Admin
Shri Vijay Jain- AGM HR/Admin
Shri Taansukh Dhaakan- Manager Accounts/Finance
Shri Vijay. K. Prajapati- Dy. Director Accounts & GM Services
Shri Jayendra Patel- Manager e-Governance
Shri Vijay. K. Prajapati- Dy. Director Accounts & GM Services

(1) How to get our Computer Hardware and Networking product registered with GIL/GOG ?

At present computer hardware and networking components are procured through GeM,nprocure ,open tenders for which advertisements are published in various Newspapers and uploaded on websites (https://gil.gujarat.gov.in)

There is no system of product registration with GIL.

(2) I need information about the tenders released by the Gujarat Informatics Ltd. Where can I find them?

Please visit our website https://gil.gujarat.gov.in/tendercms/tenderview.aspx for the latest tender releases of GIL.

(3) What is eGovernance?

e-Governance is to enhance the access & delivery of Government information and services to citizens, business partners, employees, other agencies, and Government entities by using Information & Communication Technology.

(4) What is the scope of e-Governance?

Accountability - To make Government more open and transparent.

Example: publishing council debates and minutes on the web for easy access by public and press;

Transparent and Fair Services Delivery - Automating for efficient interactions with the public and business, and increasing access points. There are powerful anti-corruption opportunities through liberalizing access points.

Example: Electronic exchange of land registry information with land agents and lawyers; making forms and licensing available electronically to avoid trips to government offices with the risk of wasted time and bribes;

Governance - An emerging area where some jurisdictions are experimenting with alternate polling and electoral processes.

Example: some political parties are using telephone automated response systems to vote for leadership candidates;

(5) What is the reach/impact of eGovernance?

The internet is the most powerful and popular means of delivering eGovernance. However, services may also be delivered through: Conventional Telephone - Call centers, automated voice responses, automated notification of events, easily combined with FAX for FAX-on-demand of forms and information; Wireless Digital Telephone and Messaging Technology - Wireless technology offers a cost-effective telecommunication and Internet services to rural areas. FAX - Diversifying delivery channels extends the services to as many citizens as possible. Access can also be expanded creatively; for example, where individual personal computer ownership is low, access to computers may be made available through a coop, community police station, or other group. Use of existing telephone and FAX technology is often a quick solution. Radio - Radio is the most cost-effective communication method in rural community. UNICEF experimented in rural Sri Lanka a Community Radio/Internet Project, where local resource persons translate Internet content to radio program so that local people can have an access to information on the Internet.

(6) How does e-Governance benefit citizens/govt?

The Indian Ministry of IT will soon set the pace for hi-tech governance by developing software to process a wide variety of proposals. Officials at various levels will have to make online decisions on these proposals. Such software will not only get rid of red tape, but will also increase transparency. Files and dossiers will no longer have to move from table to table. No longer will Indian people need to pay endless visits to government offices to get their proposals cleared.

(7) What needs to be done to speed up the pace of e-Governance activities (by Govt/Citizens)?

e-Governance initiatives can be implemented at the central or local government level. In general, coordination will be required to help in the identification of crosscutting issues and the creation of appropriate strategies to address them such strategies should include details of departmental and sector programs to transform their businesses in accordance with an overall eGovernance strategy.

Account Division Details