Tenders Details

Bid for purchase of Switches & Rack for Implementation of Central Monitoring System-CMS Project on behalf of Office of the Additional Director General of Police (Intelligence) Gandhinagar floated on GeM portal. (Bid no. GEM/2025/B/6041684 dated 12.03.2025)
Bid Details

Pre-Bid Meeting Date

Bid End Date/Time

24/03/2025 15:00:00

Bid Opening Date/Time

24/03/2025 15:30:00


Bid End Date/Time: 24-03-2025 at 1500 hours

Bid Opening Date/Time: 24-03-2025 at 1530 hours


Note: Bidders who wish to participate in this bid are requested to submit bid online on GeM portal https://gem.gov.in .



For more details about Eligibility Criteria, Minimum Technical Specifications, kindly go through the Bid Document and / or any other document uploaded in future on GeM portal.


Block No. 2, 2nd Floor, C & D Wing, Karmayogi Bhavan Sector - 10 A, Gandhinagar - 382010 Gujarat.
E-mail: info@gujaratinformatics.com   Phone: 91-79-23256022   Fax: 91-79-23238925